How to Give Access to Your Google Analytics or Google Search Console Account

Sometimes you’re going to need to give somebody access to your Google Analytics, your Google Search Console, your Google Ads, your Google Business Profile, or your Google Tag Manager.



Sometimes you’re going to need to give somebody access to your Google Analytics, your Google Search Console, your Google Ads, your Google Business Profile, or your Google Tag Manager. When you are asked to give rights to another user or permissions for them to come in and manage your account, you don’t want to give them your Google ID. You don’t want to give them your access because when you do that, they will have your ID and password and they will have access to everything on your account.

If you’re tracking your location, they will know where you are. If you’ve uploaded documents to Google Docs or Sheets, they’ll have access to all of that. We don’t want to give access in that way. I’m going to show you here how to give access to someone else, another email address to your Google Analytics and to your Google Search Console. If you’re working with an SEO agency, most certainly they’re going to want to have access to these two accounts.

Let’s go ahead and I’ll show you how to do that here.

Right now we’re in my Google Analytics account. You go to, you come in here and when you pull this down you’ll see all of the accounts that you have access to. Go ahead and choose the account that you want to give someone else access to.

Now when you are in this screen, here’s your menu over here on the left. It’s very small. So down on the bottom there is this one little button here that says settings, okay? Click on this area, it opens up, and you can see we have home reports, Explore, Advertising, but we want to go down to admin, okay?

There’s two places you can give access. You can give them access to your account, or you can give them access to the property. What’s the difference? If you have just one website, it might be the same thing, alright?

It might be a one-to-one relationship. You have one account, and you have one property. Sometimes if a company is managing multiple analytics accounts or multiple businesses or multiple websites, they’ll have one account, and under the account they’ll have multiple properties.

For example, if you take a food company like Kraft, right? It might be Kraft on the top and then below, it might be like different types of cheeses or different other products, brands that are underneath the Kraft label, okay?

You can give access, like I said, at the account level or at the property level, whenever you feel most comfortable. When you give access at the account level, the higher level, it’s going to flow down. The other email address is going to have access to all your properties. If you only want to give access to one property; you want to go there. Let’s go ahead to admin, when you click on the account it opens up as a toggle, and here you have account access management.

So let’s go ahead and click on that, and you can come over here and add a new user. Where you would add a new user, you would put in the email address there, you can notify them if you want, and then here’s where you choose the role that you want to give this person. This is what you want to find out: you want to be careful about giving out administrator access. You should have access to your administrator account. You own this property, it’s your business, you should definitely have administrator access. You don’t have that, you need to contact the person who is the administrator to have them also give you administrator access.It’s very important.

You might want to give them editor, marketer or analyst. You know, analyst would be a good one. You might even want to give them just viewer so they can see report data and the configuration settings. So each of these has a little learn more button link and you can go ahead and click on one of those; it will open up a new tab. There are all of the different restrictions that they can do so you can give the person whatever they are requesting and what you think that they should have.

Then we come down here and if you want to you can say I don’t want to give them any cost metrics or any revenue and you can just click learn more there to figure out what if you want to give them that. So, you put in their email address, you give them access and then you go ahead and click up here, you click add and it will go ahead and add them as a user and then they’ll have access to your account, okay?That is for Google Analytics, they’ll appear in the list.

For Google Search Console, you head over to Google Search Console and you log in and the same thing we have a menu down on the left hand side and we’re going to go ahead and click that settings link down towards the bottom.

Here you see who the owner is, okay? Hopefully you see this: you are a verified owner. That’s what you want to see and you can come in here and see any information about that; but I’m a verified owner, so that’s pretty good.

Here is users and permissions area. So if I come in here to the users and permissions area, this is where I would add someone else to have access to my account. You enter in their email address and then you have a couple options. You can set them as owner full or restricted What is the difference between these three? Okay, so the owner is going to have full control over all the properties so they can add and remove other users: meaning they might be able to add and remove you. They can also add other users if they want to. They can view all your data. They can do everything as an owner.

There can be a verified owner or a delegated owner. Because I am a verified owner, you saw before, I can make someone as an owner and they’re a delegated owner, I give them that, that option. Full is probably where you want to put somebody. They have full rights to view the data and they can do some things but they can’t add and remove other users. Then restricted has very simple rights, they can view most of the data but they can’t do too much in here. In here you want to choose which option you’re going to give them and you go ahead and you would add them as a user. So, that’s how to add another account in your Google Search Console and in your Google Analytics; and like I said, you never want to give out your email address and your password.

When you log into these accounts, if you don’t see your domain, you don’t see your account; try a different email address. Most likely you have multiple emails associated with a Google account. It doesn’t have to be a Gmail account. Mine is not.

This one I’m in here happens to be, I’m in as Jennifer at Toto Coaching. But I have another account that I can access at Support at TotoSEO. Those are not Gmail addresses. So, you can also associate your email with a google account.

That’s one of the things that we go over in the TotoCoaching Course, we teach you how to set up a new account that is branded with your business name, your business domain there. One of the things we go over is really important that you set up your Google accounts, your Google Search Console and your Google Analytics under your professional business address and that’s one of the things we show you how to do because it’s super important. We want you to build a website. Look professional.

Thank you for watching this. If you have any questions, reach out. Send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.


About the Author

Jennifer DeRosa

Are you looking to build your own website but don't know where to start? Meet Jennifer DeRosa, the author of "Building DIY Website for Dummies" and the founder of Toto Coaching. With over two decades of experience in website design and development, Jennifer has helped countless businesses establish their online presence using platforms like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, and Shopify. In her book, Jennifer shares her expertise on how to build a website from scratch, guiding you through the process. But that's not all – Jennifer also offers companion courses at Toto Coaching, where you can learn how to optimize your website for search engines (SEO), build a WordPress website, and develop strategies to convert leads and presell services. As the owner of Toto SEO, Jennifer also helps small businesses improve their online presence and SEO. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the industry, having owned a web development agency for over 23 years, spoken at numerous events, attended WordCamps and WooCamps across the country, and even ran local WordPress Meetups. She is a frequent speaker for WordPress Meetups, SCORE, and others. Jennifer's thirst for knowledge recently led her to complete a course on No Code Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the prestigious MIT University. Her career also includes consulting roles with industry giants such as Mercedes Benz Credit Corporation, US Surgical, GTE, GE Capital, Unilever, and Calvin Klein.

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